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Bible Adventure Day
The Shelbyville Community Bible Study will be sponsoring a “Bible Adventure Day” at H.V. Griffin Park on …
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Bible Adventure Day
The Shelbyville Community Bible Study will be sponsoring a “Bible Adventure Day” at H.V. Griffin Park on Saturday, June 24, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The day will feature food, games, crafts, a bounce house, cornhole, and more. Children of all ages are welcome and must be accompanied by an adult. For questions or to RSVP, email Julie Carter at
Food Giveaway
A food giveaway will be Saturday, June 24, at 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Scott’s United Methodist Church, 940 Morton Street in Shelbyville.
Broadband Survey
Does your internet suck? Or do you not have internet at all? Well, Bedford County leaders are hoping to change that through the Connect Bedford initiative, which will help update and install faster broadband throughout the county through multiple grants over the next several years. To help identify the underserved areas, you can take this quick survey at or stop by the Times-Gazette office for a paper version, from now until July 9.
Theatre Auditions
Fly Community Theater will hold auditions for the play Bus Stop on Sunday, June 25, at 3 p.m. and Monday, June 26 at 6 p.m. at The Fly Arts Center. Those interested in auditioning can email the director at for more details.
Choir Anniversary
Thompson Grove Baptist Church will host its Choir Anniversary on Sunday, June 25, at 2 p.m. The public is invited.
Grace Baptist VBS
Children ages 3 to 3rd grade are welcome to join Grace Baptist for food, music, fun and games on Monday, June 26, through Thursday, June 29, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. The motto this year will be "Following Jesus Changes Everything," from Psalms 25:4.
Road blocked
The Highway Dept. will have Cooperstown Road blocked off to install a new drainage structure on June 27. The road will be blocked off at Holly Court and Haunt Hollow from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and will be back open that night. This will be a one-day project unless otherwise noted.
County Budget Vote
A Special Called Commission Meeting for the fiscal year 2023-24 budget will be on Thursday, June 29, at 7 p.m. at the Bedford County Courthouse. Commissioners will vote on approving the budget.
City Study Session
Due to the Fourth of July holiday week, the Shelbyville City Council will meet on Thursday, June 29 for a study session at 6 p.m. at the Shelbyville Recreation Center. The public is invited.
BOE Special Meeting
A Bedford County Board of Education Special Called Meeting will be Thursday, June 29, at noon at Central Office, 500 Madison St., Shelbyville.
Date corrected – Zentangle Art
Learn the meditative, 8-step process of “zentangle” art developed by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. The class will be June 29 from 6 to 8 p.m. at The Fly Arts Center. Cost is $35 per person for ages high school and up. To reserve a seat, email or text 931-224-5007.
Constitution Mini-Bootcamp
The Constitution Study will hold a Mini-Bootcamp in Shelbyville on Saturday, July 1, at Microtel in Shelbyville. Doors will open at 10:30, and they will be bringing in pizza for lunch. Tickets are free, but a suggested donation of $10/person would be appreciated. For more information or to register, visit
Fourth of July
The Shelbyville Rec Center will host its July 4th Celebration at H.V. Griffin Park from 5 to 10 p.m. The National Anthem will be sung by Gary Haile at 4:55 p.m. The band UTOPIA will perform from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Various food trucks and arts/crafts vendors and inflatables, bingo, corn-hole, volleyball, and stick-it archery will be available.
School Safety Day
The BCSO SRO/SPD School Safety Appreciation event will be Thursday, July 6, at 6 p.m., at the Bedford County Justice Center, 108 Northcreek Drive.
Food Distribution
There will be a Commodity Food Distribution for Bedford County residents on Monday, July 10, from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at the Bedford County Ag Center, 2119 Midland Road. For any questions call, 931-685-9962.
Red Sand Project
Join Mayor Chad Graham and the Bedford County Health Council for a Red Sand Project installation on July 26 at 9 a.m. outside the Bedford County Court House. This project is to remember and honor those who have fallen through the cracks of human trafficking.
Meals on Wheels
Shelbyville Senior Citizens Center is in need of Meals on Wheels volunteers to deliver meals to the homebound of Shelbyville. For more information, call 684-0019 and ask for Amy Wilson.
Soup Kitchen
Shelbyville Community Soup Kitchen serves meals from 3:30-5 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays at 336 S. Cannon Blvd. (corner of South Cannon Boulevard and Pickle Street). Donations may be made to Shelbyville Community Soup Kitchen, P.O. Box 2259, Shelbyville, TN 37162, and are tax-deductible under its 501c3 non-profit designation.
Boxed non-perishables are available. Takeouts are no longer distributed.
Head Start
Bedford County Head Start Centers are currently taking applications. For more information or to complete an application contact any Head Start Center. Phone numbers are Wartrace at 931-389-6406, Harris Head Start at 931-773-0033, North Side Head Start Center at 931-773-0141, and Bedford Early Head Start at 931-685-0876. Head Start is a free child development program for children 6 weeks to 3 years and their families. Early Head Start enrolls pregnant women for monthly prenatal educational visits.
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery meets each Monday at 6 p.m. at International House of Prayer, 865 Union St. Attendees do not have to be a church member. For more information call Doug, at 931-703-3159.
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Pastor Jimmy West’s message for Sunday morning’s service on June 25 at Edgemont Baptist Church will be “The Great Commission” from Matthew 28:16-20. Their Praise Choir will present "Sing America's Song" on July 2 at 10 a.m.
The message for Grace Baptist Church this Sunday will be “One Baptism” from Eph. 4: 4-6 & Mark 1:9-11. Vacation Bible School will be from June 26 - 29 from 5:30 – 8 p.m. Evening meals served nightly.
Bro. Tyler Shoemaker’s message for Calvary Baptist Church this Sunday will be “Following Jesus Changes the Game” from Psalm 25:4 – 11.
An Old Fashion Holy Ghost Revival will be held at Unity Baptist Church on E.C. Arnold Lane in Shelbyville this weekend at 7 p.m. Preachers will be Bros. Frelan George, Buck Frazier, Bill Reed, and Lon Latimer. Everyone is welcome.
Church of Christ
This upcoming Sunday at Fairlane Church of Christ they will be continuing the series, “Heroes of Faith.” The sermon is entitled “Noah,” with scripture from Hebrews 11:7. Sunday evening kicks off their VBS, “Twists and Turns” (June 25 - 28) from 5:30 – 8 p.m., with lessons for all ages.
The Southside Church of Christ lesson will be “The Greatest Giver in our Church” from John 3:16 by Tim Gunnells, minister, at 10 a.m. Sunday. The Sunday 6 p.m. service will be “Applying the Sermon.” Wednesday will be a Bible Study with Tim at 6:30. Sunday morning is live-streamed at 10 a.m. and Wednesday evening services are live-streamed at 6:30 p.m. at
First Christian
First Christian invites everyone to worship on Sunday as they kick-off their new sermon series on “Facing Your Giants.” This Sunday at 10 a.m., they will begin with the "Giant of Fear." Using Deuteronomy 1, they will see how fear affects us people and prevents us from being whom God intends us to be. Children’s graded worship and nursery are also available at 10 a.m.
Shelbyville First United Methodist Church will gather together for a Hymn Sing. This is when they praise God by singing hymns together. Guests are invited to come and experience the spiritual value and vitality of public worship. Sunday School begins at 9 a.m. Worship service is at 10 a.m. Their service is also livestreamed on Facebook and broadcast on WLIJ 98.7 FM and 1580 AM.
First Presbyterian Church's service for this 4th Sunday after Pentecost, will be held Sunday at 10 a.m. led by Pastor Jim Moran. All services are streamed live on Facebook. There is no Sunday School over the summer. They will have a nursery available for the little ones. They would love to see some new faces and hope you can join them on Sunday at 10 a.m. for their worship service.
Eagles Nest Church, 608 Tillman Drive, will be hosting “Just Churchin’” on Saturday, June 24, beginning at 3 p.m. with musical performances by The New Traveling Stars, Serenity of Nashville, and The New Gospel Heavyweight. Tickets will be sold at the door for $10. Children 5 and under are free.