The following were charged by the Shelbyville Police Department, Bedford County Sheriff’s Office, Tennessee Highway Patrol, or 17th Judicial District Drug Task Force. They are only charged; …
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Jail intake: June 17
The following were charged by the Shelbyville Police Department, Bedford County Sheriff’s Office, Tennessee Highway Patrol, or 17th Judicial District Drug Task Force. They are only charged; guilt or innocence will be determined by the courts.
Jessica Dean Barrett, 29, Angela St., McMinnville; violation of probation (General Sessions), released on recognizance.
Monica Belinda Miguel Gaspar, 19, Saddlewood Dr.; leaving scene of accident, released on recognizance.
Oscar Rigo Guttierrez, 24, Rockwood Dr.; firearm use in association with dangerous felon, $5,000 bond, released.
Robert Gordon Lovvorn, Jr., 40, Deery St.; attachment, $1,000 bond.
Victor Franklin Noblitt, 46, Noblitt Rd., failure to appear, $1,500 bond, released.
Cecilia Maribel Rodriguez, 26, Warner Bridge Rd.; possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of schedule II, possession of schedule IV, $12,000 bond.
Raymond Justin Santos, 29, Lewis Ave.; driving on revoked license, firearm use in association with dangerous felony, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of schedule II, possession of schedule IV, $24,000 bond.
Aaron Urbieth Cabrera, 49, Idle Dr., financial responsibility, no driver’s license/exhibited on demand, released on recognizance.
Matthew Shane Craig, 37, Cessna Ln.; domestic assault-simple, interference with emergency calls, $3,000 bond, released.
Gary Wayne Dodson, Jr., 25, Templeton St.; failure to appear, no bond.
Miguel Angel Elias Camacho, 44, Florence; financial responsibility, no driver’s license/exhibited on demand, $1,500 bond.
Kimberly Lane Leverette, 33, Industrial Parkway; failure to appear (three charges), to serve time-General Sessions, violation of implied consent, violation of probation (General Sesssions0 $9,500 bond.
Maria Keona Leverette, 27, Riddle Rd., Manchester; failure to appear, released on recognizance.
Timothy Deandre Martin, 19, Fall River Road, Goodspring, Tennessee; possession of drug paraphernalia, simple possession, $3,000 bond, released.
Jose Gabriel Melgoza, 23, King Ave.; failure to appear, $1,500 bond, released.
Anthony Jason Merlo, 52, homeless; vandalism, released on recognizance.
Jessie Andrew Mooneyham, 34, White St.; driving on suspended license, released on recognizance.
Jose Angel-Torr Morales, 35, Adams Road; capias, failure to appear, released on recognizance.
Elber Bersai Morales Ramirez, no date of birth, Bridlewood Dr.; public intoxication, resist stop frisk halt search, $5,000 bond.
David Thomas Nowlin, 40, Warner Bridge Rd.; burglary, criminal impersonation, other, theft of property (three charges), violation of probation (General Sessions), $32,500 bond.
Roberto Antonio Orellana, 27, East Lane St.; driving on revoked license, no proof of insurance, other, seatbelt law, unlawful possession of a weapon (two charges), $6,000 bond.
Armando Andres Pascual, 39, Jarrell St.; no driver’s license/exhibited on demand, speeding, released on recognizance.
Juan NMN Perez Castio, 33, King Arthur Ct., trailer; light law, no driver’s license/exhibited on demand, released on recognizance.