This notification will be published for four (4) consecutive
weeks in this paper regarding your children, Alexis Ann Pride-
more, DOB: 02/02/2016 and Damian Brooks Pridemore, DOB:
02/10/2021, Case #2024-JV-29. A copy of the petition is on file
with the Juvenile Court of Franklin County, Tennessee, and may
be obtained by calling the clerkâs office at 931-967-2923 or by
writing to the Franklin County Courthouse, located at 440 George
Fraley Parkway, Room 157 Winchester, Tennessee 37398.
The hearing is set for December 11, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. for a
first setting to consider whether the rights of the parent should
be terminated. This will be held in the Juvenile Court, Franklin
County Judicial Center, 440 George Fraley Parkway, Room 157
Winchester, Tennessee 37398.
Notice is hereby given that failure to visit your children or pay
support for your children for four consecutive months could result
in the loss of your parental rights.
If you fail to respond to this notice or appear at this hearing
your custodial rights to your children could be significantly mod-
You will receive no other notice of this proceeding. (10104t)