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If a new sign is constructed at the entrance of Shoma Park subdivision, it won’t be at the City of Shelbyville’s expense. The request for consideration of the city footing the bill … more
Wartrace residents faced another water main break toward Phillipi Road and Horse Mountain Road over the weekend. Many residents were without water for three days and counting at T-G press … more
A new sign is going up at the entrance to Shoma Park subdivision in northeastern Shelbyville, but some city officials are concerned about setting a precedent. “Does that mean that any … more
Members from the Duck River Watershed Education Committee delivered reading material to third and fourth graders to help them learn more about conserving the Duck River.  Fourth graders … more
Det. Sgt. Sam Jacobs, right, receives a proclamation from Mayor Randy Carroll honoring his 21-year career in law enforcement, all served with the Shelbyville Police Department. Jacobs, who … more
The plant nurse at Tyson Foods’ medical clinic for the past 15 years has been practicing without a license, Shelbyville police said Friday. Records indicate Bobbie Gail Blair has been … more
The body of the man who drowned in Duck River at Fisherman’s Park was recovered late Friday afternoon. Christopher Lee Richardson, 50... more
Nick Ellis said he’s been an optician for about 20 years, while Sandy Lupo has been one for 14 years. Both Ellis and Lupo worked at the Walmart Eye Center in Shelbyville … more
A groundbreaking event was held Tuesday for the new Cartwright Elementary School at 1753 Fairfield Pike.  The 23-acre plot, which the school will sit on, was owned by Bobby … more
The 25th annual Bedford Builds Habitat for Humanity Ball was held Saturday night in Bell Buckle.  Dressed in their finest, guests enjoyed a dinner from the Bell Buckle Café, a silent … more
Deery Eakin Elementary School celebrated Twin Day Friday, and according to attendance clerk Sue Hasty, this is the most twins they’ve had in both the student body and among the faculty and … more
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