August 4 County General and State Primary results
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The total number of registered voters in Bedford County is 28,087. A total of 4,332 voters turned out, including 1,997 voters on Election Day, 74 paper absentee ballots, and 2,261 walk-in/early voting. This is 15.42 percent turnout rate.
County Commissioners District 1: Total, 776 votes *Drew Hooker (R) 36.83% (281) *Eric Maddox (R) 31.83% (247) Don Gallagher (I) 31.44% (244) District 2: Total, 543 votes Greg Vick (R) 51.93% (282) Tony Smith (I) 46.78% (254) District 3: Total, 771 votes *Janice Brothers (I) 32.17% (248) Jason Sanders (I) 25.29% (195) *Troy Thompson (I) 41.63% (321) District 4: Total, 860 votes *Anita Epperson (I) 35.35% (304) Brian Farris (I) 28.37% (244) *Diane Neeley (I) 36.05% (310) District 5: Total, 1,750 votes *Scott Johnson (R) 27.26% (477) Jeff Sweeney (R) 21.54% (377) Tracey Strassner (I) 6.4% (112) Jim Walker (I) 1.2% (21) Bo Wilson (I) 17.2 % (301) *Linda Yockey (I) 26.34% (461) District 6: Total, 195 votes Bill Anderson (I) 58.97 % (115) Adam Thomas (I) 38.97% (76) District 7: Total, 476 votes Brian Brenton (R) 22.06% (105) *Julie Wells Sanders (R) 40.76% (194) *Sylvia Pinson (I) 36.76% (175) District 8: Total, 295 votes John Boutwell (R) 48.47% (143) Jason Boyette (R) 51.19% (151) District 9: Total, 470 votes *Biff Farrar (I) 38.3% (180) *Mark Thomas (I) 34.04% (160) Robert Warren (I) 26.38% (124) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mayor: Total, 4,045 votes *Chad Graham (R) 68.26% (2761) Misty Pellar (I) 30.9% (1250) Results by precinct: EAKIN: Graham 72.1% (230) Pellar 27.59% (88) FIRST ASSEMBLY: Graham 62.5% (290) Pellar 36.42% (169) SOUTH SIDE: Graham 60.31% (196) Pellar 38.15% (124) EAST SIDE: Graham 54.91% (95) Pellar 42.77% (74) THOMAS: Graham 66.53 % (159) Pellar 33.05% (79) UNIONVILLE: Graham 68.62% (339) Pellar 30.77% (152) BEDFORD: Graham 66.67% (362) Pellar 31.86% (173) WARTRACE: Graham 76.79% (225) Pellar 22.87% (67) BELL BUCKLE: Graham 66.53% (165) Pellar 32.66% (81) NORMANDY: Graham 78.29% (202) Pellar 20.54% (53) FLAT CREEK: Graham 72.28% (498) Pellar 27.58% (190) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OTHER OFFICES County Clerk: Donna Thomas (I) 99.73% (3663) Sheriff: Austin Swing (R) 98.42% (3668) Trustee: Tonya Davis (R) 99.54% (3652) Register of Deeds: Johnny Reed (D) 99.05% (3320) Circuit Court Clerk: Michelle Murray (R) 99.78% (3586) Circuit Court Judge, Part I, District 17: Forest Durard Jr (I) 99.61% (3357) Circuit Court Judge, Part II, District 17: Wyatt Burk (I) 99.73% (3364) Chancellor, District 17: J.B. Cox (I) 99.61% (3046) District Attorney General, District 17: Robert J. Carter (I) 99.66% (2949) Public Defender, District 17: Donna Orr Hargrove (I) 99.79% (3249) General Sessions Judge: Charles Rich (I) 98.78% (3032) |
School Board |
District 2: Total, 352 votes Brian Crews (I) 99.43% (350) |
District 3: Total, 423 votes Dan Reed (I) 98.58% (417) |
District 4: Total, 430 votes Courtney Bogle (R) 99.3% (427) |
District 7: Sandra Avent 30.77% (8) Michael Henry 23.08% (6) *Barton Williams 46.15% (12) |
Governor: Bill Lee 99.01% (3185) |
Tennessee House of Representatives, District 62: Pat Marsh 99.74% (3114) |
State Executive Committeewoman, District 14: Lynne Davis 99.76% (2527) |
U.S. House of Representatives, District 4: Scott DesJarlais 99.46% (3123) |
Governor: Carnita Faye Atwater 27.68% (165) *Jason Brantley Martin 51.01% (304) JB Smiley Jr 20.97% (125) |
U.S. House of Representatives, District 4: Wayne Steele 63.16% (348) Arnold J. White 35.39% (195) |
TN House of Representatives, District 62: N/a |
State Executive Committeeman, District 14: n/a |
State executive committeewoman, District 14: Jane Tucker 99.65% (567) |